Quality Assurance (QA) / Quality Control (QC)

QA is the process of assessing if an organization or project is performing the quality processes it should. These processes are typically spelled out in a project’s Quality Management Plan.
It is important to note that QA can be performed on: (1) processes, and (2) directly on the performance of a system (e.g., through direct system testing). The Kerr Company’s QA/QC methodology supports both of these approaches.
Our QA/QC methodology includes the following tasks:
Performing QA audits of IT systems to ensure that systems perform to documented specifications in areas such as: data security, customer privacy, data accuracy, business processes, and customer satisfaction
System testing
Performing or validating internal quality assurance audits for IT projects in various environments
Reporting on the audit results
Developing recommendations and an action plan that corrects audit findings, and reporting on the plan