The Kerr Company performed seven (7) Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) assessment for major IT projects:
Two Law Enforcement System Projects: The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Offender Case Management System, which tracks criminal offenders from arrest and booking, pre-trial, incarceration and parole and probation. The Maryland State Police Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS), which is used to receive crime or traffic incident calls to dispatch law enforcement officers or first responders, and which aids in the collection of records for criminal investigations.
Five Other System Projects: Property tax, student financial aid, employee pension, airport closed circuit tv, and fishing and hunting license systems.
IV&V work involved assessing the following: (1) Adherence to project management processes such as PMBOK and SDLC; (2) Project financial reporting and cost control; (3) Project governance; (4) Feasibility of the system design and architecture; and (5) Security. Tasks performed include: (1) Interviewed business unit and project stakeholders; (2) Reviewed project and technical documentation; (3) Wrote finding reports with recommendations and a corrective action plan (CAP); and (4) Wrote follow-up reports assessing progress against recommendations.
One of the projects assessed was severely over budget and behind schedule. The State agency accepted all of the team’s IV&V recommendations by changing their development processes and developing a new project plan. Within a few months the project was on schedule for a successful project completion.
On another project, the agency under review was pleased with The Kerr Company’s performance during both optional CAP phases and asked the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) if The Kerr Company could provide an extra analysis. DoIT modified the contract to include this extra work.
Project Management
Independent Verification and Validation
Project Management Analysis
SDLC Assessment
Technical Feasibility
Corrective Action Planning